Apr 102019

Finally, after weeks suspended between seasons, the barren brown earth had at last yielded to a happier palette.

robin 1

Gordy Wright

Dots of yellow and splashes of fuchsia and orange appeared randomly. Forsythia bushes lined the sidewalks in lemon. Daffodils stood at attention, trumpeting the arrival of warmer weather. Encouraged by a welcoming sun, the hyacinths surfaced, adding a dash of purple to the canvas and perfuming the air with their delicate fragrance. Early tulips reached languidly out of the ground, tightly coiled but for hint of pastel. The hardier pansies were already proliferating.

The previous night, a light breeze had stirred the branches of the fruit trees, encouraging them to display their spring wardrobes. This morning, pear trees were wrapped in clouds of white, and apple trees wore petals of palest pink. Even the cherry trees got into the act, their cotton puff blossoms peeking out from fresh buds. It was more than enough to send Robin into flights of giddiness.

“This is SO beautiful, absolutely the most amazing day!” she cried out, stopping for just a minute to turn her head from side to side. “I mean; have you ever SEEN anything like it?” Then she was off again.

The old-timers looked knowingly at one another. They’d learned not to trust the promise of a lovely morning. Veterans of seasons past, they were more likely to reflect on premature frosts or persistent droughts. Robin wasn’t interested in their practical cynicism. For her, the world was new, filled with wonder and possibility. Let those stuffed shirts sit and complain. She was having none of it.

robin 4

Carry Akroyd

Instead she danced in circles on the emerald grass and hopped between the flowerbeds. She was in ecstasy. “Yellow!” she sang. “Pink, purple, orange, green, blue. Look at how blue the sky is. It could not be more perfect!”

Glancing around, she announced, “I’m going to smell the blossoms,” and flitted over to the nearest pear tree, where she leaned in and inhaled deeply.

She stopped then, caught between confusion and a hint of desperation.
“I can’t smell it. Why can’t I smell it? Is there something wrong with me?” Now she looked around anxiously.

“No, it’s not you,” Jay called out from his perch on the fence. “The smell is really subtle. Try the apple tree across the street. You’ll catch a scent over there.”

“Okay, let me try that.”

She disappeared into a swirl of pink and white. He imagined he could hear her filling her tiny lungs with the intoxicating fragrance.

“Oh, that’s so much better. Yes, this is more like it. Thanks, Jay!”

robin 3

Richard Spare

“Wait until the lilacs start to bloom,” he responded encouragingly. “Or the spice bushes. Of course, it’ll be greener then; you won’t have the same color intensity. Nothing beats spring.” He paused to consider. “Although I’d have to say autumn is pretty special, too.”

“Better than spring?” Robin asked, her head still buried in the blossoms.
“Hmm, maybe not better, but different. Autumn colors are mellower.” Jay reached for the words to paint a picture, so she might see the season as he did. “They’re not light and airy but deeper, richer. It’s as if the world was painted with copper, bronze or gold, precious metals that saturate the trees, the ground, even the sky.”

“It sounds really pretty.”

“It’s simply beautiful. Wait until you see it. My father told me autumn was Mother Nature’s big fling, her farewell gesture. She pulls out her most expensive palette and lights the place on fire. One last hurrah before she . . .”

He broke off when he noticed she’d left the tree and hopped up onto the fence by his side. Now she was looking at him with bright, inquisitive eyes, her head cocked.

“What are you talking about, Jay?” she asked. “How come you look sad? What happens after the big party? Is it something bad? What does Mother Nature do?”

Jay wished he could kick himself for going on. He reached out and gave her head a little pat.

“You know what?” he said lightly. “It’s not important. Why even think about autumn when it’s spring? It’s a beautiful day. Go on and enjoy it.” And he waved her away.


He watched her take off to chase butterflies. Filled with the energy and innocence of youth. Not that Jay was all that much older, but he was far more experienced, and he was tired. Glancing at his reflection in the window, he saw that he was big for his age, broad across the chest and strong from years of exercise. His reputation for aggression may have been exaggerated, but it had seen him through a number of seasons, some gentle and others much less so. In fact, he’d endured several long, lean winters by being more than willing to put himself first. That’s what his kind did—which was why they generally outlasted the others.

Jay wasn’t a fool. He knew he was in constant danger. They all were. Tough as any one of them might be, there was always something bigger, faster, stronger, and more deadly. His siblings survived by being opportunists and bullies. He tried to resist those impulses, which only made him even more of an outcast. He accepted it all: his strength, his personality quirks, and his general lot in life.

Robin was a different story. She was open and trusting, a breath of fresh air in his cruel and capricious world. He liked being around her even though her innocence sometimes made his heart ache. She seemed so defenseless. He’d watched over her since she was born and had kept danger at bay. But there was only so much he could do.

The statistics told the story. Most robins didn’t survive their first year; and she, tiny and with an underdeveloped set of wings, would not last even that long. There would be a cat, a car or—he hung his head in shame—a bullying blue jay that would make short work of her. Or some other force of nature would do her in. She might never see an autumn glowing like molten metal or marvel at a single snowflake. Instead, she would likely perish along with many other fledglings doomed to die in a winter they’d forgotten how to flee.

Why did Mother Nature have to be so cruel?

He heard Robin singing. There was no bitterness in her sweet music. Ignorance is bliss, Jay thought and then, and why not? He shook himself and lifted his head to the warm sun.

In the distance, Robin lifted a wing and called out, “See? Best spring ever.”

robin and bluejay

Mar 132019


Hopper's Nighthawks

NIGHTHAWKS by Edward Hopper, Art Institute of Chicago

Two in the morning. Morning, what a laugh; it’s still the middle of the night. There’s no one around at this hour: not a car, or a person, not even a dog. Silent as snow over here.

Just one block away, the place is jumping. The cabarets, clubs and outdoor cafes cater to the wide-awake crowd. Over there, the neon lights blaze like a midday sun and the sidewalks overflow with all manner of humanity; soldiers on leave out with their best girls, or making time with the ladies of the night; hustlers on the hunt for chumps and suckers looking to score. A fair number of ordinary schmoes inhabit the night: vendors, waiters, bartenders, musicians, and even a certain subset of panhandlers, the ones who aren’t slumped in alleys and doorways. It’s a swinging scene alright, but hey, this is the city that never sleeps, right?

On this street, the vibe’s different. It’s quiet, deserted as a schoolhouse in the summertime, except for the diner glowing like a meteorite in the middle of the block. The joint is lit up like Macy’s at Christmas, thanks to the newly installed fluorescents that bathe everything they touch in an icy blue haze. Old Man Wooster would be blowing a fuse if he didn’t close his haberdashery strictly by 5:00 p.m. and even earlier in the winter. Who’d want to peddle high-class fedoras by the light of that moon?

The soft-edged, many-windowed eatery puts everything inside is on full-display.  It’s like watching a play presented within a circular sweep of tile and glass Anyone can see what’s going on from every angle, can take in the swank cherry wood counters, the bare walls. Otherwise, it’s a no-frills kind of place, but they serve a good cup of java.

Inside the four main actors go about their business, three at the counter and one guy behind it who looks to be barely out of his teens. The babe in the red blouse is out late, sure, but she’s no dolly. Her outfit says secretary or maybe shop girl, but she holds herself like she’s class act. She’s making a show of minding her own business, though she tossed the kid behind the counter a million dollar smile. Could be she’s a regular, resting her tired dogs after an evening of waitressing. How else to explain a dame like her on a deserted street like this at two in the a.m., no escort in sight? Not what you’d call hot but she’s got a certain style, especially with her auburn hair down around her shoulders.

Next to her sits a guy in a sharp-looking suit. He and the good-looking gal are perched closer than two jays on a telephone wire, but she’s turned away from him. What’s that all about? Could be he made a move and she put the kibosh on it, told him to take a powder. Or they had a lovers spat, and now she’s giving the jerk the cold shoulder. Maybe they know each other—their hands on the counter are just shy of touching—but they have their own reasons for pretending different. One thing’s for sure: he hasn’t changed his seat, though there are plenty of other stools along the counter for the taking. Maybe he’s daydreaming. He’s pushed his cup aside. Even his cigarette’s got a head of ash on it. Could be he’s just another denizen of the night, lost in his own thoughts, asking himself how the hell he ended up wherever he is. Who doesn’t from time to time?

Now the fellow several seats down, the one with his back to the window? He looks a little cagey. Another suit hunched over himself; hasn’t touched his coffee. In fact, nobody seems to be drinking much, even though it’s not exactly swill they’re serving. Back to the mystery man: what’s his deal? Is he running from a secret too big to face? Is he just on the outs with the missus and holed up here because he’s got nowhere else to go? Maybe he’s just another schmo with a dead-end job, a traveling salesman peddling anything from insurance policies to vacuum cleaners. Sets his case down on the floor by his side while he grabs a bite. Traveling salesman, that’s a tough life.

The empty storefronts across the street catch the ambient glow from the diner lights. The fluorescents always manage to create their antithesis: deep pitch-black voids that seem to swallow buildings and people indiscriminately. Nothing penetrates those shadows: no life, no history, no tall tales or terrifying truths. Whatever stories the night has to yield are going to come from the violet-tinged tableau inside the all-night diner.

He sits in a black-and-white parked inconspicuously just outside the circle of light. His task is to keep an eye on the shadows, to pick out what might otherwise stay out of sight. The job is boring and maybe even a little lonely. The running narrative in his head, well, that’s just his way of passing the time. Sometimes he thinks he’s a sap for choosing law enforcement instead of a cushy office job. On long nights like this, he yearns for his warm bed and the comfort of his young wife’s embrace. Still, it’s gotta be a damn sight better than a stint abroad fighting Japs or Krauts, although he’d go if he was called up; hell yeah, he would.

He takes a sip of coffee. It’s hot and it’s good, much better than the mud they serve at the precinct. Reaching for the glazed donut on the seat beside him, he takes a bite. It could be worse, he thinks, and raises his cup in a half-salute to the diner and its motionless occupants.

The two-way crackles, startling him so he almost spills his brew. Almost. He’s young, with quick reflexes, so he’s able to spare his uniform and stifle the expletive that comes to mind. He’s trying to curse less, out of respect for the bride.

“Dispatch calling Car 201. Nighthawk, you there?”
“I’m here, Sarge.”
“Anything happening?”
“Nope, quiet as a morgue.”

The desk sergeant responds with a high-pitched laugh that whistles through the wires like a dry desert wind.

“Not the most interesting beat, Ace; I got that. You could see action yet, though, so be awake and ready to move. We got an altercation a couple blocks south of you. May need you to scoot over there if things get too hot for Ranger to handle.”
“Roger that, Sarge.”
“Now go back to your daydreaming.”

Again, the raspy laugh rolls like tumbleweed out the receiver and through the sedan.

He starts to respond, but the sergeant has clicked off. He’s old school, that one; doesn’t like the new radios. Probably wishes he could go back to the Pony Express.

The young cop takes another bite of the donut and settles back into the gloom, nothing more than a shadow himself. He trains his eyes on the diner and on the four figures thrown by his watchful presence into eternal sharp relief.

Feb 122019

It’s February!

This never used to be a particularly celebratory time, mind you, but I’m turning over a new leaf. Maybe I’m working off a comparison chart. December isn’t particularly joyous to me. The days are short, the energy manic. It’s cold. I hate the cold. I don’t have a holiday tradition—Christmas with the family or some such thing. Nor am I a big fan of January. Same as above but without the slight boost holiday lights offer.

But this month! Short but with more daylight. Clearly the gateway to spring, at least if the clothing catalogues piled into my mailbox are any indication. Robins sit fat and plump on the brown grass and try out their best warbles. And while Valentine’s Day is minimally uncomfortable and even a little… sad for the uncoupled of the world, well, pet love is absolutely a thing.

I admit I’ve been energized by an unexpected spate of warm weather accompanied by the sun, which has been all too scarce this winter. The thermometer climbed past sixty and stayed there—not your grandmother’s winter thaw. My neighbors were out in force, blinking at the pale sun or madly engaging in activities like roller-blading, running, strolling, or kicking and throwing balls. I swear I saw someone in his garden. Of course, we plunged back into the cold because, well, extreme weather is the new normal. Not for long, though. As you read this, temperatures are climbing again.

February holidaysFor such a diminutive month, February features a number of holidays and festivals of varied significance. Did you know February is National Cherry month? Chinese New Year occurs in February this year,  although Fat Tuesday does not. We always begin with Groundhog Day, which seems more meaningful in those parts of the country besieged by extreme weather. Never mind it’s unreasonable to expect a rodent to perform as a meteorologist. Honestly, it doesn’t make sense that we’d greet the sun with an “oh no, six more weeks of winter!” just because some little creature is afraid of his shadow. Talk about seeing the glass as half empty!

We also celebrate Black History month and Presidents’ Day. In the first instance, we set aside a month to remember pieces of history we ought to be celebrating all year round. In the second instance, we randomly meld together the birth dates of two American presidents we consider great, although I wonder if many people under forty knows which two presidents we celebrate—or can name any of the others.

Then there’s Valentine’s Day, whose origin story remains murky. The Catholic Church acknowledges three different martyred souls named Valentine. One was a third century priest who arranged for young lovers to wed in secret. In doing so, he defied the Emperor Claudius II, who figured single young men made better soldiers. Another Valentine apparently helped Christians escape the Roman prisons. That Valentine was subsequently jailed and may or may not have written a note signed “from your Valentine.” Heroic and romantic. Sigh.

John Wick and beagleValentine’s Day seems to have replaced a rather pagan fertility celebration that involved the sacrifice of both a goat and a dog. Now it’s a multi-billion-dollar business that involves reams of paper and toys with the affections of millions. Nevertheless, I’m sure we all agree that exchanging cards is better than blood-letting an animal we’d prefer to see bouncing around on YouTube in pajamas or nuzzling a baby or a cat. In fact, most of us in 2019 would go all John Wick on anyone who hurt a dog.

Speaking of movies: February is a bit of a no-man’s land in terms of sports and entertainment. The Super Bowl and the Golden Globes are both past, leaving only the Oscars, Grammys, and a couple of talent and strength competitions that compete for “most dreadful.” On the other hand, the networks bring back our favorite shows and Netflix continues to pile on the programming.

Molly and me chillinAnd nothing beats reading. After wading through three books I disliked so much I won’t mention them, I read three books in a row I really enjoyed, including an extraordinary science fiction novel and Nebula award winner in 2016 (The Fifth Season by N.K. Nemesin), a lyrical 2018 best seller (Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Ownes) and an important non-fiction read that manages to be uplifting despite its painful subject matter (Parkland by David Cullen). Even better, I read these absorbing books in front of the fireplace with the dog curled in my lap.

That’s the best kind of February.