Bird in Hand – Discussion Questions


  1. In addition to the main plot (Who is killing people on the Eastern Shore?), there are two subplots in Bird in Hand. One told by the letter writer aboard a ship bound for Annapolis in 1718. The other revolves around a tragic event that destroyed Sam’s family and the mysterious figure in the brown suit who bear some responsibility. Is there one subplot you enjoy more than the other…and why?
  2. Did you guess the identity of the killer?
  3. What surprised you most about the book?
  4. Who is your favorite character in the book?
  5. How did your appreciation/understanding of the main characters change during the story?
  6. What knowledge did you gain about either the locale or about the procedural aspects of the investigation?
  7. What was your favorite quote or passage from the book?
  8. What theme or themes did you identify in the story?
  9. Did you read the book that came before, The Wedding Crasher? If yes, did it add to your enjoyment of Bird in Hand? If not, did that hinder your enjoyment of Bird in Hand?
  10. If the book were turned into a movie or a streaming series, who would you cast as the main characters?